Handel's Homemade Ice Cream
Handel's Homemade Ice Cream is a growing franchise business that is opening stores all over the country. We helped them successfully launch new stores with geo-targeted, traffic-driving campaigns. We also developed a franchisee recruitment campaign targeted to areas where they planned to open new stores.
Handel's Ice Cream social campaign on a mobile phone
Store Openings
Digital campaigns were created to drive traffic and support store openings. Meta and PMAX were both part of the strategy to get the word out. We also captured video and photo content from the openings to use on social channels.
Handel's Ice Cream employees celebrating a store openin
image of a rocket launching into space
106 Jefferson mission statement
woman smiling and flashing a peace sign with Free Ice Cream For a Year entry card from Handel's Ice Cream
man scrolling the Handel's Ice Cream site on his mobile phone
and holding a mobile phone with grand opening info for a Handel's Ice Cream shop Visit Site
Website Design
We focused on a few key pages and gave the website a new look to connect with the creative that customers were seeing in the market. This included adding new ice cream photography to elevate the online menu. This photography was also used for the menu and point of purchase displays in store, creating a better shopping experience.
various mobile pages of the Handel's Ice Cream website
Franchisee Recruitment
We started with a new design that would make their hard working franchisee page more useful and accessible. Then we launched a Google PMAX campaign with video using keywords to drive leads to the franchisee page.
Handel's Ice Cream website displayed on a tablet Visit Web Page
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